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Rohith M

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About Me

Hello👋 My Name Is Rohith M, I am A Young Developer And Love To Create Apps And Websites On My Own. I Live In Bangalore, India and I Am Studying in 7th Grade ICSE at Bangalore International Academy. I was Born On 9 January

My Hobbies

My hobby is coding and programming in my free time. Whenever I get free time, I turn on my computer and think about what apps I can make. Then I Open the coding platform and begin coding. When I am bored, I start making YouTube videos on coding. I learned to code when I was 10-year-old. I know some coding languages like HTML, JS, and CSS. I use some coding platforms like Visual Studio, CodePen, and Thunkable.

My Skills

One Of my Skills Is that I Can solve a 3X3 Rubiks Cube Very Fast. I love solving Rubiks Cubes. I First Learned how to solve a Rubik's Cube When I Was 10-Years-Old. My Fastest Cube Solving Record Till Now is 52 seconds. I have made more Than 1000+ Solves.

My Projects

My Videos

1. Introduction To Python

2. Top 10 VS Code Extensions

3. Introduction To HTML, CSS And JS | Part 2

4. Introduction To HTML, CSS And JS | Part 1

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